Communicating in person and with technology are alike in many ways. One way they are alike is that you are still communicating with a person. Just make sure that you know the person you are communicating with. Another way that they are alike is that you can share photos. For example, once, I meant to send my friend a photo, but my tablet glitched and I accidentally sent the photo to everyone but her, so I just showed her a copy the next day at school. A third way that these two forms of communicating are similar is that you can meet new people; on the street or on a screen.
Communicating in person and with technology are also extremely different. One way that they are diverse is that there is a lack of connection with technology that you can only get communicating in person. Another way that communicating in person and with technology are different is that you can’t be sure who you are talking to on technology. My friend has a lot of followers on Instagram, so it’s inevitable that she doesn’t know all of them. Once, she thought she was approving her cousin to follow her, but she was actually approving a professional hacker to see all her pictures and information. The hacker emailed her a nasty virus, and even though her computer got fixed, she unfollowed a lot of strangers that day. A third way that they are different is that your message can be misinterpreted while using technology. For example, you could send a text that was meant to be a joke, but because the receiver does not see your body language or facial cues, their feelings could be hurt by it. The key is to communicate in person and with technology in moderation