Hello! On this page you will find things that will probably make you smile, ( hence the name), or things that might make you feel better about….well, life. I hope you enjoy this page!
I will use one of my favorite apps to make most of these picture things.
What I think Gandhi meant was that we need to live in the moment instead of worrying about the past and future. We shouldn’t try to rush through life, because in the end, we WILL regret not living life when we had a prime opportunity to.
Today I was lucky enough to spot this amazing group of heroes at a local convenience store. This group goes to court with children who are testifying against their abusers to keep the kids calm, courageous, and self-assured as they look out into the courtroom they see a big group of leather-clad tough guys and girls on their side.
Image courtesy of https://notinmyworld.org/category/child-abuse/bikersagainstchildabuse/